During the early childhood stages, parents lay the foundation for how happy and healthy their children will be later in life. As parents, your role is primarily concerned with providing a safe and loving environment to help your child grow emotionally and mentally. One study found that children demonstrated positive emotions when parents spent quality time with them and that increasing that quality time was key to improving children’s well-being.
At the height of the pandemic, when kids were cooped up at home and unable to go to school, many parents took it as an opportunity to teach simple but fun activities for kids, like decluttering or trying out a passion project. Similarly, in our virtual preschool classroom, we’ve taught children about basic geology through simple tasks such as collecting, counting, and drawing rocks. Categorizing and sorting are important early math skills and build the foundation for understanding more complicated patterns in the future.
When parents spend time learning new things with their kids in the same manner, children are able to hone valuable skills while deepening their bond with their parents. So, here are 4 skills you can learn with your preschooler to spend quality time and have fun with them!
4 Skills You Can Learn With Your Preschooler
For adults, yoga has great mental and physical health benefits. What you may not know is that children can also experience those benefits in ways that are helpful for their development. When kids practice yoga, it enhances their self-esteem, builds concentration, and strengthens their growing bodies. Additionally, children exhibiting behavioral issues can use yoga to redirect their impulses in a positive way and treat it as an outlet to better manage their behavior. As a result, children get better at dealing with anxiety and stress because yoga teaches relaxation and breathing techniques that are useful for daily life.
Research shows that mutual parent-child perceptions of trust and confidence are positively associated with shared music activities like singing or playing an instrument. Another study found that children exposed to music education exhibited more positive emotions, increased social adaptation, and increased social involvement with adults. You and your child can bond over learning a simple instrument like a recorder, which is an excellent, beginner-friendly way to learn how to read and follow music.
Painting nurtures a child’s creativity and encourages them to explore colors, shapes, and self-expression. It also enhances fine motor skills as children manipulate brushes and paint. When you paint with your child, you can discuss colors, shapes, and feelings, allowing them to communicate better while enabling them to freely express emotions. This way, art can be used by both parent and child as a powerful and therapeutic outlet.
HIKING When children are outside exploring nature, it can foster a connection with the environment while sparking curiosity. Taking time to examine plants and wildlife also facilitates learning, and requires engaging in sensory exploration. Both children and adults can also benefit from the strength, endurance, and coordination that hiking entails. On your first hike, aim for half a mile, allowing your child to set the pace and push on further if they want to. Doing so can build their confidence and independence as they safely navigate the trail. Parents spending quality time with their children through learning new skills contributes to well-rounded and healthy development. These are just some ways you can bond with your child while helping their mind grow in the process. The most important takeaway is that parents play a vital role in setting their children up for success in the future.
Article contributed by Rina Johnson